Resultados: 6

Health education in the prevention of enteroparasites: descriptive study

This study aimed to evaluate the process of behavioral changes of caregivers of children of preschool age, from an activity of Health Education regarding the prevention of intestinal parasitosis. Descriptive study, conducted with eight caregivers of children from a public nursery in Fortaleza, whose step...

Análise dos laudos citopatológicos de um centro de parto natural em Fortaleza-CE: um estudo descritivo

The research aimed to examine the cytopathological reports made and not removed from a Centro de Parto Natural (CPN) in Fortaleza-Ce. It is a descriptive study, with retrospective quantitative approach. Data collection was through the analysis of 237 reports of cervical examinations performed between the...

Evaluating the nursing consultation in family planning: descriptive study

The Instruments of Development Improvement (IDI) of PROQUALI consists of evaluation protocols of the service structure and actions given from the Family Health Strategy (FHS), including the Family Planning (FP) program. The research objectives were to evaluate the welcome and quality of the subsequent co...

Women who take pap smear in Fortaleza - social and sexual characterization

Considerando a relevância epidemiológica e a mortalidade por Câncer do Colo do Útero, decidiu-se pela realização deste estudo com o objetivo de conhecer o perfil ginecológico de mulheres que realizam exame preventivo em unidade básica de saúde de uma região metropolitana. Estudo exploratório, ...

Prevalência de sintomas pós - menopausais em idosas em situação asilar: estudo descritivo

O estudo objetivou identificar o Índice Menopausal de Blatt e Kupperman (IMBK) e verificar os sintomas pós-menopausais mais prevalentes em idosas em situação asilar. Pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, realizada com idosas institucionalizadas de Fortaleza/CE. Os dados foram coletados no momento da con...

Primiparous understandment on breastfeeding – descriptive quantitative study

We tried to verify the puerperals' understandment on breastfeeding e its caracteristics. Descriptive in nature with quantitative aproach, realized between november of 2006 and january of 2007 at a reference maternity, with 252 puerperal interns. Most women were between the ages of 19 and 25 (123; 48,8%),...